Where Is Suwastama?

We’re locaten in Slamet Riyadi Street 280 Gumpang Kartasura, Sukoharjo Central Java – INDONESIA

How does Suwastama pack the product?

It depends on client’s request, but we recomended to use stacking concept in order to maximize container loadebility.

Does Suwaastama provide custom label and shipping mark?

Absolutly yes!

Is it possible to use our design?

Definitely yes. since we’re 100% ratta furniture manufacture & already 25+ years in this industry, we’re expexrt on it.

How about Suwastama’s production capacity?

Our production capacity is 25 x 40Hc container in a month.

How do I make a purchase?

Please contact our marketing at online_marketing@suwastama.co.id or you can make a call at +62 – 271 – 726 – 111